How You Can Get Scholarship to Study in South Africa As a Foreigner

Many who want to study in south Africa But do not have the means to do that, there are ways you can achive that without no stress. This method have helped so many in traveling to South Africa for their study.

If you are from Africa, it will e eaiser for you as will be blending in with other Africans in the school you will e admitted and als you already have some culture simerity. 

Traveling to South Africa for the first time may sound like something very hard to do as it is it European country or USA, but you have nothigng to fear as most schools have made it possible for friend students to blend in well while studying.

For international students seeking a diverse and multicultural academic experience, South Africa stands out as an appealing destination.

With a wide array of academic programs, ranging from arts and humanities to science and engineering, both public and private universities offer an abundance of opportunities. In addition to its academic offerings, South Africa boasts a rich history and culture, as well as natural wonders such as wildlife reserves, beaches, and mountains.

If you are a foreigner looking to obtain a scholarship to study in South Africa, you may be curious about the process. To aid you in your search and application, consider these helpful steps.

Identify your academic goals and interests

In order to begin your search for scholarships, you must possess a well-defined notion of your desired area of study and the underlying reasons behind it. Determine your academic fortes and areas of enthusiasm. Additionally, identify your professional objectives and explore how pursuing your education in South Africa could be advantageous in attaining them. A clearly established vision of your academic interests and ambitions will aid in filtering your choices and discovering scholarships that are ideally suited to you.

Do some research for available scholarships and eligibility criteria

South Africa offers a plethora of scholarships to foreigners, ranging from fully funded to partially funded, and covering specific expenses. These scholarships are offered by a variety of sources, such as universities, organizations, foundations, companies, and the South African government. While some scholarships are available to students from any country, others are limited to certain regions or countries. Furthermore, the criteria for selection vary, with some scholarships being awarded based on academic merit. In contrast, others consider factors such as financial need, leadership potential, community involvement, or field of study. Prospective students can utilize online databases, websites, blogs, forums, and social media platforms to find scholarships that match their profile and preferences. Alternatively, contacting scholarship providers directly can provide additional information and clarification. Several websites list scholarships for foreigners in South Africa.

  • Scholarships in South Africa 2023-2024 for International Students: For the 2023-2024 academic year, South Africa is offering scholarships to international students across a variety of fields and academic levels. This website provides comprehensive information on these opportunities, including the SANSA International Space Weather Camp 2024, the Deloitte Vacation Interactive Business Experience (VIBE) for University Students 2024, the Unilever Unemployed Learners for Young Unemployed South Africans 2024, the Colgate Emerging Leaders Commercial Graduate Program 2023, and the SSRC Next Generation Social Sciences in Africa: Postdoctoral Writing Fellowship 2023. Explore this website to learn more about these exciting scholarship opportunities in South Africa.
  • South Africa Scholarships Fully Funded for International Students 2024: International students looking for fully funded scholarships in South Africa can find a wide range of options on this website. These scholarships cover different levels and fields of study and include prestigious opportunities such as the ICGEB Arturo Falaschi Postdoctoral Fellowships, the Allan Gray Centre for Africa Entrepreneurship Scholarships, the University of Pretoria Mastercard Scholarship, the Mawazo Fellowship Program, and the Government of South Africa Scholarships. Whether you are pursuing a PhD or a Masters degree, this website can help you explore the best options available for funding your studies in South Africa.
  • International Bursaries and Scholarships 2023 – 2024: The website offers a wealth of information on bursaries and scholarships available to international students who wish to pursue their studies either in South Africa or abroad. A few of the listed scholarships include the online Advance Africa Scholarship, which is available to students from various African countries; the Bank of Namibia Bursary 2024, which is designed specifically for Namibian students; the Beit Trust Scholarship in South Africa and the UK, which is open to Malawian, Zambian, and Zimbabwean students, as well as the Julius Berger Nigeria Scholarship, exclusively for Nigerian students.
  • Scholarships for Foreigners in South Africa – Advance Africa: Within this website, you can find a comprehensive collection of scholarship opportunities in South Africa designed specifically for international students at various levels and across a wide range of fields of study. These offerings include renowned programs such as the Rhodes Scholarships for Southern Africa, the Mandela Rhodes Scholarships, and the Canon Collins Scholarships. Additionally, you may also be interested in exploring the NRF Freestanding, Innovation, and Scarce Skills Masters and Doctoral Scholarships, as well as the NRF-TWAS Doctoral Scholarships.

Carefully prepare your application materials and documents

After choosing the desired scholarships, the next step is to prepare your application materials and documents. These requirements might differ from one scholarship to another, but generally, they comprise of

  • Application form: When applying for a scholarship, it is essential to furnish comprehensive personal details, academic credentials, accomplishments, and reasons for seeking financial assistance. Ensure that the application form is filled out accurately and in its entirety, adhering to the instructions and guidelines issued by the scholarship provider. Depending on the specific scholarship, the application may require online submission or through mail.
  • Academic transcripts and certificates: Your academic performance and qualifications from prior or current institutions are documented in official records. In order to apply for a scholarship to pursue or further your education in South Africa, you must provide copies of your transcripts and certificates, as well as translations if they are not in English. Additionally, proof of enrollment or admission may be necessary.
  • Curriculum vitae (CV) or resume: Your CV or resume serves as a comprehensive record of your academic and professional background, encompassing your educational pursuits, work experience, abilities, successes, and interests. It’s important to customize your application materials for the particular scholarship or position, highlighting your relevant skills and accomplishments. Additionally, you may be required to furnish the contact information of individuals who can speak to your academic or professional capabilities and personal integrity.
  • Motivation letter or personal statement: To apply for a scholarship to study in South Africa, you will need to write a convincing and well-structured motivation letter or personal statement. This document should detail your reasons for choosing South Africa as your study destination, explain why you have selected your specific program and institution, and illustrate how the scholarship will enable you to achieve your academic and career goals. Additionally, your letter should demonstrate your knowledge of and interest in South Africa, including its culture, society, and current challenges. Use examples and evidence to support your claims and outline how you can contribute to the country’s development and progress. Overall, it is important to write in a clear, concise, and persuasive manner to stand out among other applicants.
  • Research proposal or study plan: As you prepare for your program in South Africa, it is crucial to develop a well-structured document that details your research plan or topic. Within this document, you must articulate your research question or objective, demonstrate the significance and relevance of your study, specify the methodology and approach you will use, predict the expected outcomes and impact of your research, and provide a timeline and budget for your study. Additionally, it is important to showcase your familiarity and engagement with existing literature and research in your field while highlighting how your research will fill a gap or contribute to advancing knowledge within your area of study.
  • Recommendation letters: Letters of recommendation play a vital role in determining your eligibility for a scholarship. They serve as a testimony of your academic or professional excellence, potential, and aptness for the award. It is essential to request these letters from individuals who are well-acquainted with your capabilities and can provide detailed and favorable feedback on your achievements and skills. Furthermore, you should provide your recommenders with sufficient time and information to craft these letters and, subsequently, follow up with them to ensure timely submission before the deadline.
  • English proficiency test scores: Standardized tests measure one’s English language proficiency for communication and instruction. Non-native speakers or those who have not studied in English may need to provide English proficiency test scores. Popular tests accepted by South African universities and scholarship providers include IELTS, TOEFL, PTE Academic, and CELA.
  • Other documents: In addition to the required application materials, certain scholarships may also necessitate the submission of supplementary documents such as photocopies of your passport or identity card, a medical certificate, a criminal record check, a portfolio, or samples of your work.

Submit your application on time and follow up

Once you have meticulously assembled your application materials, you must submit them in a timely fashion and adhere to the specified format as indicated by the scholarship provider. Depending on the scholarship, you may be required to submit your application via an online portal or through the mail. Be sure to retain a duplicate of all application materials for your reference. It is highly recommended that you confirm with the scholarship provider that they have indeed received your application and inquire about its status. Depending on the scholarship, you may be required to undergo an interview or exam as part of the selection process. Ensure that you adequately prepare for these, displaying your confidence, enthusiasm, and expertise in order to impress the selection committee and ultimately win the scholarship.

Now you need to wait for the results and accept the offer

Once you have gone through the process of submitting your application and being selected, the next step is to patiently await the outcome and accept the scholarship if you are fortunate enough to receive it. The mode of communication for conveying the results could be via email, phone, or post, and this depends entirely on the scholarship in question. In any case, you must respond to the offer at the earliest possible moment, following all the guidelines and requirements that the scholarship provider stipulates. Moreover, you may be required to sign an agreement or a contract that obligates you to comply with the terms and conditions of the scholarship. Lastly, you must convey your appreciation to the scholarship provider, expressing your gratitude for the opportunity and conveying your excitement for what lies ahead.

Prepare yourself well for your departure and arrival

Upon acceptance of the scholarship offer, preparations for departure and arrival in South Africa are necessary. These include acquiring legal documents, such as a student visa and study permit, that enable you to stay in South Africa throughout your studies. You must also research visa and permit requirements and application procedures, consulting with the South African embassy or consulate in your region. Additionally, booking accommodations and travel insurance, as well as packing essential documents and supplies for living and studying in South Africa, are essential steps in preparing for the journey ahead. Familiarizing yourself with the culture and environment is also important.


This are all the steps you need to succeed in getting a good scholarship that will educate you in the subject you are interested in. Make sure you prepare well before traveling because you may encounter some challenges since you do not have any one there.