Challenges You Face While Studying Abroad and How to Overcome It

Date of release: December 16, 2022

Studying abroad is an exciting and life-changing experience, allowing you to experience a different culture, discover new places and gain a fresh perspective on the world. However, studying abroad can also come with its own challenges. From dealing with a new language to making friends in an unfamiliar place to dealing with homesickness, there are many obstacles to overcome in your quest to become an international student.

In this blog post, we discuss the main challenges you may face when studying abroad and offer advice on how to overcome them. Whether you are preparing to study abroad or are already packing your bags, this post will give you helpful tips to help you get the most out of your international education.

Managing finances is hard!

No matter how hard you try to organize your finances, set a budget and track your expenses during your stay, controlling costs can sometimes be quite difficult. Even with flawless money management, it’s still possible to run out of money or have less than you need. Make sure you are aware of the rules surrounding your student visa before choosing a job. Check this out: Work Permit Rights for International Students Abroad

Depending on the country, you may be limited to certain types and locations when it comes to work. Be sure to keep an eye on your school’s classifieds and various job boards for new job opportunities. In addition, you may want to consider freelance opportunities or part-time positions to help manage your finances.

Finding the right accommodation is not easy.

Often, on-campus housing fills up quickly, forcing students to look for alternative housing on campus. This often results in you having to spend a huge amount to book your desired accommodation.

It has often been seen that some Facebook groups commit online fraud by posting fake photos of homes and eventually demanding a substantial security deposit. These types of fraudsters target international students and cost them money. They later found out that this kind of property was never real. Finally, it is crucial to look for accommodation from reputable, reliable suppliers.

Language barriers are challenging!

A language barrier is the most common challenge you will face when studying abroad. Not only can you not understand what people are saying, but they may not understand you either. The good news is that there are ways to overcome this challenge.

First of all, remember that not all languages ​​are created equal! If you plan to study Spanish or French, start learning those languages ​​now. They are much easier to learn than others because they have one of the largest numbers of speakers in the world, which is why more translations from English and other languages ​​have been done for them.

Second, find a place where everyone speaks English as a first language so you can practice your vocabulary and speaking skills with native speakers. This could be an immersion program where students live with local families or students who speak English every day at home. However, if such programs are not available in your area, consider enrolling in a study abroad program where classes are taught entirely in English. You can also try this: Duolingo, an application for learning different languages.

Struggling with the time zone factor!

It can be very difficult to switch between two time zones on different sides of the world while traveling, especially if you regularly communicate with relatives who live in your home country. You should double check what time is appropriate for each time zone and make a habit of calling them extremely early in the morning or possibly very late at night.

When installing timekeeping applications, be aware of all applicable time zones. To ensure a smooth transition to different time zones, it is important to be aware of the relevant time differences. The sooner you can become acquainted with this information, the better prepared you will be to deal with any differences.

Feeling lonely, anxious, depressed.

Making friends in a new city isn’t always easy, especially if you’re shy or introverted. The social and activity clubs at your university are where you should start. During your absence, your mood may change from time to time. Assignments occasionally cause stress.

Take care of your mental health the same way you take care of your physical health. Try to keep yourself calm, surround yourself with supportive friends, and participate in interesting activities. If necessary, seek help from a counselor or psychologist to discuss the circumstances that contributed to your anxiety and depression.

Get lost in a foreign land

No matter how many maps you look at, you run the risk of getting lost in a busy market or a deserted back road. Keep yourself calm in these situations. With handy maps, you’ll be ready for any adventure you encounter in the city. Be sure to write down any phrases in the local language that are helpful to your circumstances.

For example, “Help, I’m lost” or “Can you direct me to the nearest hotel, university, or bus stop?” Travel guides are particularly useful and usually have a section devoted to this issue. If you like to travel, keep plenty of cash on hand for unexpected expenses and the phone numbers of local helplines.

Sudden cultural shock

The sudden change in culture can also have major consequences for you. Everything from the food and customs to the methods of transportation and fashion sense may be different from what you are used to. Unfortunately, this culture shock sometimes leads to dissatisfaction, worry and homesickness. Even in situations where you are performing your normal day-to-day responsibilities, these deviations can cause significant amounts of stress if you are not prepared to deal with them.

The best way to overcome this is to let go of expectations and be open to learning new things. If you keep thinking about why something doesn’t fit or what’s wrong with the situation, it will be harder for you to adjust and enjoy your stay there.

Fear of missing out

When you are thousands of miles away from all your loved ones, the fear of missing out increases significantly. You feel like you are missing all the important events around you. Try to limit your online browsing time. Spend less time on social media accounts and focus on one hobby.

Feeling like an outsider

There are times when you feel completely lost. You may have never felt so disconnected or alone. Make at least one local friend. Try to make real connections, especially across cultural barriers. Instead of feeling alone and uncomfortable in your new country, this friendship might help you feel safe and at ease.

Feeling homesick

Being away from your loved ones can make you quite homesick. Boredom will have a significant negative impact on you, so it is always advisable to stay active. You need to make friends, especially with other students who are going through the same things, and absorb as much of your new environment as possible. Your time spent worrying about what you left behind will decrease as you become more involved in your daily tasks.

Climate uncertainties

No matter how much internet research you do before studying abroad, forecasting the weather until you arrive at that specific location is a challenge. What you might wear today depends on a number of factors, including indoor climate, city infrastructure and even regional characteristics.

Plan to pack only the absolute essentials and buy the rest when you arrive. If money is an issue, look into thrift stores to find what you need.

Management of academic expectations

New experiences will always be more exciting. You may want to try many new activities while away from home. All you have to do is get active. Use the planner, to-do list, and calendar apps to keep track of all your academic requirements.

Unable to have your comfort food

Studies have shown that college students who study abroad notice a significant shift in local food. Every culture places a great emphasis on food, and the tastes and flavors of the many foods you have can vary greatly. Being separated from your favorite foods can sometimes be a challenge as international cuisine varies greatly.


Safety is one of the most important factors when it comes to studying abroad. There are many things that can happen in a foreign country that you wouldn’t expect and that can be dangerous. There are also some safety tips to follow when studying abroad:

  • Always keep your passport with you
  • Keep track of your money and other important documents
  • Be aware of the environment and the people around you
  • Never travel alone at night

Making friends is hard

Making friends is hard, especially when you are surrounded by people of different cultures and religions who speak different languages. In some situations, communication can be very difficult. It can be challenging to find people who share your perspective, as there is a good chance that several people will come to study with you. Be prepared to spend time alone and choose fun hobbies until you meet people who can be your friends.

Lack of opportunities

Lack of career opportunities can be a serious obstacle. International students can face significant difficulties as they have to compete with many other students from around the world for the best offers. The time of your student visa may be about to expire and you may not get a good chance. Therefore, if you don’t excel at what you do, a lack of prospects can be a serious problem.

New learning styles to get acquainted with

Every country has its own way of raising children. You can always broaden your intellectual horizons and improve your adaptability to other educational environments by studying abroad. There are several ways to teach, including Authority Style, Facilitator Style, and Delegator Style. Some students may find it challenging to adapt to a new teaching method abroad. It is always preferable to get an idea of ​​your preferred method of learning before enrolling in a course.

No support from friends and family

Families and friends who often support you may live thousands of miles away. This will be a great difficulty, especially in the first months of your study abroad program. But then again, you will eventually develop a new support system and everything will be perfect in the end.

Not finding the right job options

Finding the ideal career is not always easy, and finding the desired job abroad can be challenging. In addition, depending on the country where you want to apply, visa policies may differ in a number of countries. While some countries still have unresolved concerns, others have strict visa requirements that require detailed information.

It’s also not that easy to identify the right opportunity. Despite the abundance of alternatives, it is sometimes difficult to find acceptable work due to feelings of homesickness, loneliness or language barriers.

If you’re not sure where to start looking, ask other people who have studied abroad or talk to an advisor at your college or university about what programs are available to you. You Can Also Check Out: 7 Countries For International Student Immigration In 2023

Washing problems are exhausting

Laundry management can be quite hectic and difficult. The effort to separate light and dark clothing is real if you’ve never done this before. Pay attention to the temperature of your water, as hot water can cause some materials to shrink.

To learn how to wash a particular item of clothing, pay close attention to the washing instructions on the clothing labels. Use a reasonably priced local laundry service if installing a washing machine in your home is difficult.


Studying abroad is an exciting experience that offers students the opportunity to further their education, discover new cultures and make lifelong memories. However, many students do not anticipate the many challenges that come with studying abroad.

From dealing with homesickness to adjusting to a new education system, these challenges can make the experience difficult to navigate. It is important for students to recognize the challenges they may face while studying abroad and have strategies for dealing with them.